Contact the Ekobius Foundation
Contact Ekobius International
Email, Telephone, Text and Social Media
Please note: We will not have reliable or stable Internet services on the property available until 2023 using a VSAT or similar technology from Elon Musk. Until then you will need to climb a hill to send a text message or get closer to the town in order to maintain a stable Internet connection.
Contact Details
Email: Our public email address is
Cellular & SMS: +573226716433
Registered Provider Listings: Fellowship for Intentional Community
Third-Party Promotions: Global Ecovillage Network, HelpX, NuMundo, WorkAway, WWOOF
Read more about Ekobius International, explore our navigation bar above, check out our share-economy listings, enlist with the global citizen corps. Wikimapia, Wikipedia, GreenMap, BuiltWith, HelpX, AirBNB, AboutMe, SitesExplorer, WordPress, Former IGG Campaign, PeaceTrail Article, Guyana Ekobius Peace Trail, PermaculturePaths.